About Us

MattsRedStore is a clothing and accessories store with a focus on radical Marxist politics and historical events that are still relevant today.

There is ,pretty much,only one employee, and it’s me. I designed pretty much all of the items, I answer all of the emails, I respond to all of the comments, and I handle all the questions, comments, and concerns – so bear with me, I can’t afford a professional writer for this.

Capitalist cultural hegemony seems inescapable at times. I see shirts, stickers, and buttons everywhere that are right-wing or liberal, but I rarely see anything that’s unabashedly leftist. Maybe some of these designs could help you recognize other comrades out in the world. Maybe it’ll piss off your conservative family and ruin Thanksgiving. I believe that showing off radical leftist slogans, art, and ideas can help to normalize them or start a, hopefully productive, conversation.

I designed a vast majority of the designs here, the remainder of which are designs from either guest artists or historical artwork such as Soviet propaganda posters that I generally spend hours retracing, recoloring, and refinishing to make them acceptable on the gigantic resolutions necessary for printing.

As a general rule, if a design is inspired by a real, currently existing organization, proceeds go towards that organization. I plan on creating a page on this website that shows exactly what goes where, but I’m still figuring it out on the programming side at the moment.

Furthermore, while you’re still here reading this, wearing a leftist shirt is not a substitute for organizing. Join DSA or PSL or SRA or the IWW or unionize.

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